Boyhood Home: "A must see" - AAA Mid-Atlantic Tourbook, February, 2000
"Boyhood Home 'Crown Jewel' of Old Town Alexandria" - The Washington Post
"Virtual Address for Lee's Old Home" The Washington Times
Visitors await their turn to view former Lee Boyhood Home gardens,
now part of a private residence, during Alexandria Spring Garden Tour, 17 April 2004. (new 1/10/07) |
Welcome to the Robert E. Lee Boyhood Home Virtual Museum. For the serious historian or the casual visitor, the Boyhood Home of Robert E. Lee at 607 Oronoco Street in Alexandria's historic "Old Town" was for 33 years (1967-2000) a "must see." Now a private residence, this elegant mansion was the home of Confederate General Robert E. Lee for most of his boyhood years. Tastefully and artistically furnished with authentic period pieces, this stately Federal town house was the site of frequent visits by George Washington. Here also the Marquis de Lafayette paid a formal call on Ann Hill Carter Lee, the mother of General Robert E. Lee and widow of General Henry "Light Horse Harry" Lee of Revolutionary War fame. In the drawing room of this historic dwelling Mary Lee Fitzhugh married George Washington Parke Custis, grandson of Martha Washington, and builder of Arlington. Twenty-seven years later, their daughter, Mary Ann Randolph Custis became the wife of Robert E. Lee. (The site is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and by the Virginia Historic Landmark Commission) |
See the Robert E.Lee Boyhood Home Museum as it was before the closing. This tour is for those using frames enabled browsers, i.e. most browsers. NOTE: Page on Mrs. Lee's magnolia tree added 7/21/04.
For those using older browsers or who don't like the restrictive frames feel. Tour the Home using the plan view. (Access to Mrs. Lee's magnolia added 7/21/04)
What kinds of toys did the children of the colonial period have? How and by whom were they made? Would you enjoy them? Pictures courtesy of Eileen Morehouse. (Revised 4/10/03)
Scholarships.What do you think?.(New 7/15/03) Answer.This month's question too easy? Click here to try some of the earlier ones. (New 1/14/08)
Follow this link for information on Lee-Jackson Foundation essay |
ABOUT ROBERT'S YOUTH? From what you see on these pages and your other reading, what influence do you think his life in Alexandria had on Robert E. Lee. |
For whom was General Robert E. Lee named? 1. His maternal grandfather. 2. His paternal grandfather. 3. Both his grandfathers. 4. His mother's favorite brothers. |
This home was the stage on for one of the most significant family dramas in American history. Here are two of the players: |
Staff, docents, and visitors to the Museum are invited to share their recollections. |
Links to sites related to the Lee Boyhood Home. Includes: Lees of Virginia, Arlington, Stratford Hall, Washington and Lee, Leesylvania and similar sites.
Follow this link for a listing of the home's owners from its builder, John Potts, until creation of the Robert E. Lee Boyhood Home Museum: (New 5/14/02)
.A link to Douglas Southall Freeman's monumental work complete online. (New 9/14/02)